Saturday 10 July 2010

Adventure begins... But for cops.

So here we are, another bike adventure begins. I slept well last night. However, I woke up before my alarm this morning, and I set up and got ready early. Riding along Cambridge Road towards Battersea park, I feel a warm warm happiness knowing that i'm having another bike adventure. Except. Halfway through the park, I pull over to take a picture of my bike next to Barbara Hepworth's sculpture. And, right there, I get a police caution. Apparently, I'm cycling on the wrong path. However, as I was unaware, or, that I told him I lived close by, and pay his taxes, he waives the on-the-spot £500 fine and settles for a caution. I tell him with a straight face "I'm heading to Belguim, and i've barely done four hundred metres." And he smiles and kinda says sorry. I could see he respected the adventure idea, and my well loaded bicycle. It seems that it's the Chelsea flower show on this weekend, and as such, a greater police presence is required. We all know those flower show pensioners are bastard hooligans, don't we? I'm cycling towards Victoria station and thinking about Hannah. The buses and taxis cease to exist, and my road becomes ghostly quiet and peaceful. The rush hour traffic is not there.

The tickets at the train station are bought simply and quickly. No need for online booking, just an advance return to dover for £29.80, allowing return within one month. Simple, quick, good. I'm pumped now, my bike feels light, not too heavy. I know in figures, it's well over 30 kilos, but it feels good, it rolls well. The only obstacle I face, is the deluge of commuters arriving from my train, into London. They all look misrerable, they all look sad. None of them look like they want to be there, and they all look at me as unlike anyone else in the street. I'm like a white dove.

We have all heard of Eurostar, right? Well, I give you ElectroStar!! This is the ferry train alternative. Just as ghetto as it sounds, and full of people from europe. Who, I don't doubt have missed their eurostar. I'm sitting, waiting, watching Iggy pop insurance bilboard adverts. Why Iggy? Why? There's no traffic no queues. We pass Rochester and I spy a defunct old submarine, and wonder just how many continents it could have destroyed in it's day. I'm sleepy, and drifting for a nap, It's early still. Maybe 10am, and i'm wishing it was my bed still.

At dover station, for some reason, I already know my way to the ferry. It really is so easy. I coast a little down the hill, and continue along the promenade avoiding the trucks from hell...I mean Romania. Someone build wider lanes here please. I follow the bike-only red lines showing me the way to the boat. I collect my ticket, and watch a Romanian driver drop his passport. I circle the trucks in the bay looking for a Romanian registration plate, and tap on his window. He's happy and relieved. I'm hoping it's positive karma, and I don't get knocked down by a truck.

I'm early. I eat a couple of sausage rolls. Then, I am waved through. I cycle up the steepest hill of the day, up the gangway, onto the ferry. I truly feel that everyone should have the opportunity to cycle onto a ferry just once. It's liberating. A very very warm sensation. That's all I can say.

The ferry is pretty much empty, the ride is calm and chop-free. I spy the refineries of , Dunkerque in the distance and were there. Big industrial, non-friendly, coal heaped, blackened and rusted, Oil silos, Alcan piping, the Borg ship. Full of pipes, pylons and cranes. Algae and tyres everywhere. Like many people's failed one-night stands, I'm wondering if i've chosen the right place to dock.

I've no euros by the way. But i don't care. I'm happy to be on an adventure. I know I have a loaf of soreen and a packet of noodles. I'm good to go. I steal... I mean liberate, a map of Belgium from Carrefour. It would have cost me ten euros, which I don't have. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one thing. I have a total trip fund of £70. My train to Dover was £29.80, my return ferry was £20. I have £20.20 to keep me rolling. There's going to be no museums, no chuch tours, just adventure, free water, cheap food. And a little shoplifting. Have you ever tried it? You don't know what you're missing.

I ride 45km through the headwind from my nightmares, towards Belgium. I know why they have windmills now. I slap my head. It's 8pm, getting dark, i'm beat. I'm lucky being in the middle of nowhere when I do feel the need to stop. Setting up camp is carefree, I have no need to watch my back. Tonight, I'm camping next to what looks like a dog training obstacle course. I don't worry about the first night sleep anxieties that I used to do. I drift asleep peacefully, the forest monsters are not there.

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Hey! I'm alone in the middle of anywhere. Tell me it's going to be just fine.